Never microwave a cheese cherry danish for more than a minute, since the Danish will become oily, the cherry jam will burn your tongue, and you can't taste the cheese any longer.
My misadventure with this originally delicious pastry started from waking up late this morning to go to a lecture on architecture led by an enthusiastic and smartly-dressed lecturer of Eastern European origin who can easily be taken for a very knowledgable rambler. Today however, she only led half of the lecture, and a guest lecturer from one of the Ivies came up to discuss modern architecture. Indeed, he was more or less the male version of the well-dressed Eastern European professor, except that he looked like Steve Jobs. Yes, they share the same long bony face, the same thin straight nose, the same hairstyle of hair loss, and glasses with round lenses. Ironically, he discussed some campaigns by Apple towards the end of the lecture to make his point of the irony of Apple's goal to be unique and yet Apple products are now very common. This was a point he made based upon a theory made by Thomas Hobbes, an English philosopher that my favourite comic book tiger is named after, in his book Leviathan, which states that society can only function if people completely subordinate themselves to some absolute sovereign.
At that moment I thought about an unfortunate bloke who believes he's achieving sophistication by thinking that he is dressing and speaking so cleverly, who was so ever so rude to me in a dancing club because I was ever so shyly polite. It's one of those realizations that I try to forget so hard, but the fact that he is in every way my doppelgänger; a grotesque self-absorbed and shallow soul who wishes to gain freedom without understanding what is true freedom. I wondered if our strong desire to escape shallowness is due to the fact that we lacked something groundbreaking that occupies our attention, especially something abstract rather than tangible (Steve Jobs has the honour of achieving the latter more or less), some sort of "sovereign" that defines our modern, materialistic, and tightly serialized lives!
And then the clock stroke 11:00 and my overly-ethusiastic architecture connoisseur of a professor went up again to talk about a building on the powerpoint that most failed to notice, and all that occupied my mind at that moment is a pastry from Tim Hortons and a cup of hot chocolate.