I bought these in a Korean supermarket that does not sell fish balls or soy milk. This supermarket has two marks deducted for Asian fail and I am being too Chinese. They did sell abundant amounts of chicken wings and drumsticks though, so that's definitely a plus.
After grocery shopping I went to a gardening club that was held in a tiny office in the claustrophobia-causing anthropology building of my university. I was greeted by the very sweet coordinator of the group, and by unfathomable glances by the rest of the small group. After the short but soothing gardening session, the gardening experimenter of the group explained his plan to grow plants in sponges, and afterwards we said our holiday greetings and good-byes. I shared an elevator with the very sweet coordinator and another fellow from this club. He asked the coordinator in the most friendly and casual way what is she studying, and she answered in her naturally sweet way that she graduated this year with degrees in environment law and English and that she is only coming to coordinate to club. She in turn asked the seemingly easygoing fellow what he is studying, and he replied in his easygoing and friendly voice that he is studying philosophy and English. The elevator reached the ground floor and she in turn asked me what I was studying, and I said architecture. "Architecture! That's interesting!" She said, and I said "Yeah, but we aren't really doing anything related to architecture though" when she remembered that she left her bag upstairs, and said hasty good byes to us in her very sweet way. I was left with the seemingly easygoing fellow, who opened the door just enough for me to exit before walking two steps quicker than me and becoming a shadow on the empty sidewalk in less than two minutes, leaving me wondering as I pretended to reply my friend's text message what is it that make people avoid me before giving me a chance to talk. I know that I smile like a shark, so that certainly won't help, so what if I put on some eyeliner, some blush, some concealer, or if I dyed my hair bubblegum pink? No I don't understand the problem, if it is even a problem at all, because frankly, I doubt I would have wanted to talk to that seemingly good natured and easygoing fellow if I run into him, because no he does not spark curiosity in me. So I guess we are even and I should stop worrying about what others think of me, because objectively, I doubt I will give a damn about what most of those people are like if they did not turn a cold eye on me. Really, I am just a normal superficial soul who wants to be the centre of everyone's admiration without really bothering to wonder what others can be like.