Yesterday I had Thanksgiving dinner at a buffet restaurant with a really close friend of mine and her family. The food was horrible, but I finally got to eat seafood after two weeks of not consuming any, got to taste lots of ice creams that I usually cannot, and best of all, I got to blab non-stop to my friend and listen to her little brother blab non-stop. Yes, I realized in that moment part of the definition of true friends; they discuss cooking seriously with you, they teach you how to do sit ups on their yoga ball, they look for cosplaying costumes with you, they give you samples of expensive organic drinks, they laugh at your screechy jokes, they tell you jokes in turn in their extra loud and high hysterical voices, adjust their plans to eat Thanksgiving dinner with you, and just make you feel exhilarated despite only getting four hours of sleep. I guess it took me about 12 bloody long school years to realize to make friends include whether you click with the people or not after with or without making some effort, and no doubt, the ones that do click with you will make your inner hysterical self (which I believe everyone has inherently) come out naturally, without any aid of vodka with 40% abv, as I found out today.