
So so so Simple

Who can hate ketchup after learning how it can make the most amusing expressions without you intending to (yes the ketchup just fell on the cucumber and cheese pancake and formed that cheeky smile). Another five minutes of the poor soul who has to listen to my praise for this magical condiment.

So its the first week of school and my attempt to do math problem sets, Facebook chat, and listen to Jpop has led me to finish the math problem sets, have amusing conversations on Facebook, get sick of the Jpop song I am listening to, and sleeping at 3:00 AM for the last three consecutive days. I look in the mirror and I see nothing but paleness and staleness, like cookie dough that has been left out for too long. Indeed, I do not have enough energy to continue this recklessly amusing lifestyle, because I can't even find the energy to feel happy about seeing the lovely exchange student who I am hopelessly in love with this Saturday. Yes, despite knowing that this will lead nowhere, I have never enjoyed the company of the opposite gender so much before, so I guess this will have a happy ending after all, in the current circumstances of course.

As for the remedy against my parasitic lifestyle, I will not repeat my idealistic approach last semester of dragging all my books to some library and feeling so uncomfortable for not being in my own space that I get nothing done in the end. I will stay in my room, just as I did back in elementary school, and work, along with avoiding Facebook as much as possible, which I think is perfectly possible, since I had forced myself to get all my dishes done in a reasonable amount of time this week despite having half of my brain cells shut down. That's really saying something.

And yes the picture is instagramed.

